AgritechBackendMobileFrontendIntegrationsMarketingby Noemi DesmaraisDeveloper based in Calgary

From growing to coding...


I am a developer with a passion for agriculture and I had the chance to learn hydroponics with my partner Jean-Francois Levesque. Now equiped with software development skills, this growing experience is an amazing resource to help me address specific technological needs for the future of food production.

Agricultural technology should be built with farmers' skills in mind rather than trying to replace them.

  • Maximize Best Conditions  In food production, no amount of technology will replace best growing practices. It is a great assisting tool in reaching optimized conditions.
  • Flexibility & Customization  Automatic customization is great for well proven processes. But working with life is unpredictable and farmers need to have full manual control.
  • Ownership and privacy of data  Why should the I.T. service providers also have their hands on a grower's hard earned data and statistics?

Our Agritech products are coming soon. In the meantime, you can reach me for technological solutions that will suit small and medium farms.

Jean-Francois shares his 25 years of growing experience in private coaching sessions and business consultations. Check out:

The fabrics of I.T.


Every projects start with a vision for the visuals and chances are the design will still be touched up on long after all modules are deployed. Needless to say, frontend development is one of the most essential aspect of information technologies.

I have had CSS/HTML and JavaScript in my toolkit long before frameworks and libraries were common. I am amazed at the evolution of modern Web and how relevant these languages still are today. I was trained to deliver every steps of a design process but with the technical feasibility always in mind.

  • UX/UI  It is a delicate art to balance usability and predictability of a user interface with stand-out innovative design.
  • Figma & Illustrator  Putting together working templates will save significant cost in development later and make easier the client/specialist back and forth.
  • React/Next.js  I love modern Web, it saves precious resources and contributes to a more optimized experience for all. But let's not forget the skills to code new designs from scratch.

With my experience ranging across different I.T. specialties I can also identify when a solution may become an overkill for my clients' needs. Honesty is key and as much as I love witnessing the Web becoming more flexible, portable and fun, I commit to do the best with my clients' resources.


Dwelling in the hides


The essential and most abstract part of I.T., a good backbone will increase performance, organisation and services available to customers.

Backend development is the most mysterious yet rewarding discipline. The only limitation is our own imagination.

  • Node.js  Has become the favorite standard to support content-driven website and applications. It allows to run JavaScript on servers and possibilites are wide and wild.
  • Microservices/REST API  To share data accross different domains, pages, applications and more
  • Java/Spring  Still a robust solutions for complex applications such as back offices and more

Telling stories


As complex as humanity itself, marketing goes beyond the digital world. Strategies must consider many facets of any given business.

Nowadays, an integrated marketing strategies include digital products. There is no one fit solution model and context and content matters above all.

  • Content writing  Artificial intelligence is a great general content writing tool but nothing replaces expertise and human reflexions to give the most relevant information.
  • SEO & Geotargeting  Search engines are the most useful tools to reach an audience with a need but competition is fierce. Having a well optimized and referenced Website coupled with a local strategy will go a long way.

Closer to the user


A good addition to a digital strategy, mobile applications allow businesses to stay in the reach of their users at all time.

Mobile development is an exciting market with so much opportunities. It is a new skill for me but I am committed to push it to its full potential with every new projects that comes my way.

  • Android apps  Android phones are 70% of the global market. My first mobile apps were built with Java for Android SDK.
  • Iphone Apps  Iphones are almost 60% of the U.S. market. I am yet to take on the challenge of developing for the Apple Store but I can develop for cross-platform in React Native.

I have a strong capacity to learn programming languages very fast. It is only a matter of time until I dive into Swift and Kotlin or into frameworks like Unity.


Uniting data and results


I take care of the means but what truly matters is always the result.

Synthesis is my nature. My curious endless seeking mind and my wide variety of life experience has given me what it takes to integrate concepts, data and media into results.

  • SQL/NoSQL Databases  Structuring data is the key to get the most results out of them.
  • APIs  APIs are so great to share data across domains and extend services to users in the most portable way.